///// NEW RELEASES /////
Kelelawar Malam
Desmodus Rotundus
Murmuring Chaos
Adit Bujbunen Al Buse
O.S.T. Maujud
Sajama Cut
Shorthand Phonetics
Fire! (I Could Have Died and All I Could Think About Was My Charred Diary)
Ghost Treat Magic
Seek Six Sick
Live Jam 2008

Trick A Secret
Shorthand Phonetics
OST Ngintip!..Run Budi Run!
J. Irwin
Local Heroes
The Upstairs
Ku Nobatkan Jadi Fantasi
Evily Candy Machine
Lost and Found
Nervous Breakdown
Never Green
Music Beyond No Borders Vol. 2
Various Artist
Serigala Jahanam
Ketika Pria Memakan Wanita - Ketika Wanita Memakan Pria
J. Irwin
Hymn For A Friend In The Sky

A Sistem Rijek?!

Chek Da Mic Bring Da Noise

Very Expensive Porno Movie

Fist Fuck Fever: The Best of Very Expensive Porno Movie (1997-2006)

Shorthand Phonetics

Apparently...I'm In Medicine / Love, or the Illusion of the Beginning Symptoms of It

Jimmy Mahardhika
One World Order

Denda Omnivora & The White Liar
Let's Kiss And Be Friends
Belajar Membunuh
Kebun Binatang
New Age
Coffin Cadillac
Nocturnal Madness
Music Beyond No Borders Vol. 1
Various Artist
All mp3 and album artworks on this website are licenced under the creative commons-licence.

Yes No Wave Music @ Internet Archive  Yes No Wave Music @ MySpace  Yes No Wave Music @ DogmaZic

Yes No Wave Music
dengan lapang dada menerima usulan rekaman bagi band/musisi yang ingin karyanya untuk dirilis. Meskipun tidak membatasi pada jenis musik yang anda mainkan, kami tentunya akan menyeleksi aplikasi yang telah diajukan.
Satu hal yang perlu disepakati oleh band/musisi adalah sepakat untuk memproduksi sebuah karya yang didistribusikan secara gratis dalam format MP3 melalui jaringan internet.
Band/musisi yang karyanya dirilis berhak untuk mempromosikan merchandise yang diproduksi sendiri yang hasilnya diharapkan mampu menjadi subsidi silang kebutuhan finansial band.

Apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan:
     Lagu (Audio)

     CD Audio / WAV / MP3
     Artwork (Image)
     Sampul Album(CorelDraw 12 / FH 10 / Adobe Ilustrator / Hi-Res JPEG)
      Panduan berbagai model dan ukuran sampul CD bisa didownload disini
     Foto Band
     Playlist (urutan lagu, judul lagu, durasi)
     Catatan produksi (produser, personel band, pencipta lagu, studio rekam&mixing, desainer         sampul, dll)
     Lirik lagu

Kompilasikan semua materi dalam keping CD/DVD.
kirimkan aplikasi anda ke:
Jl. Nagan Lor 17
Patehan, Kraton
Yogyakarta 55133


Yes No Wave Music is open for any kind of recording suggestions or requests from bands or musicians who desires their works to be released. We will work on final recording materials, such as Audio CDs, or digital formats (CD, WAV, MP3); CD formatted sized artworks; recording production notes; biographies; and lyrics (optional).
Bands and musicians should be acknowledged that Yes No Wave Music will be producing the works freely in MP3 format through the internet.

The released bands and musicians have the right to promote their own-produced merchandises for its result hopefully could be an additional financial support.

Things to be prepared:
     Song(s) (Audio)
     CD Audio/WAV/MP3
     Artwork (Image)
     Album cover (formatted in: Corel Draw 12/FreeHand 10/Adobe Illustrator/Hi-Res JPEG)
     Click here to download several available CD case sizes and models.
     Band’s or Musician’s Photograph
     Playlist (Songs list, titles, durations)
     Production Notes (Producer, band personnel, songwriter, recording and mixing studio,      cover designer, etc.)

Compile every material required in CD/DVD and send your application to:
Jl. Nagan Lor 17
Patehan, Kraton
Yogyakarta 55133